Monday, August 27, 2012

Why Memes are so Popular

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Memes are spreading throughout cyberspace.

People have been drawn to these for a long time, and I am not an exception. I am one of those who are captivated by the power of these memes, and I know that I am not alone.

You can see them everywhere like on Facebook walls, and some Internet sites aside from 9gag. It's really obvious that everyone is drawn to these sensation.

There are memes ranging from drawings created in paint, simple cats, normal people and to famous artists and athletes. Name 'em all!

I have been a witness to the popularity of these memes, but why are these memes so famous?

1. They're funny.
Feeling low? Look at these funny memes and you'll be worry free for a while! Memes give you a break on your serious world, they make you laugh, they help you forget your troubles. Well, I agree 'cause laughter is still the best medicine. :)

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2. Memes relate to real situations in life.
Memes are popular because people can relate to them. Whatever situation it may be, memes can show them that they are not alone. It shows that there also other people experiencing the same thing. It would be good to now that you are not alone. :)

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3. It takes less of your time to enjoy.
A picture with funny captions is a simple form of entertainment. It's plain and simple but funny. You don't have to take much of your time for you to enjoy these memes. You don't have to prepare a lot of stuff for you to enjoy, just search for memes and you're all good!

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4. It can serve as an advertising tool.
You may not know it but memes can be used to promote businesses. Memes are spreading fast, like wild fires on the internet. The popularity of memes are also used by businesses in order for them to gain customers 'cause its inexpensive and a fad. Who knows? Your business will earn a lot because it is in a meme.
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5.  Social Networks.
I already mentioned that memes spread very easily on the internet. Social Networks like Facebook, and Twitter can help memes circulate through cyberspace thus making everyone know about it. With simple shares, likes, and re-tweets, memes can reach a lot of people, making them aware of their existence.
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6. The message they deliver.
You don't need to tell everyone about what you feel with plain words, when you feel shocked, you can just use a meme and put a caption on it. It's simple. People don't need to go through a lot in order to really get what you wanna say. Most people on the internet are bored, you don't wanna bore them more with just plain text. Memes can be a perfect way to say your point.

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7. They are easy to create.
Memes are very simple yet easy to create. With the technology we have nowadays, access to creating memes are very easy. Apps on phones can be downloaded too, like the Meme Generator. There are also websites where you can make one of your own.

Well, I do hope that these reasons I have shared can also answer your questions. By the way, Meme is pronounced as "meem". :)

'Til the next post,


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