Thursday, August 30, 2012

Why Women are attracted to Musicians

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Girls are swooning over musicians. Despite of their looks, girls still go crazy over them.

 I personally am attracted to those who play an instrument. Some guys are lucky enough to be born musicians, but what about those who don't play anything?

Girls are very much into musicians, and it is very obvious in our generation today. If you're a girl, have you ever wondered why?

I think these may be the reasons why:

1. Musicians have the skills.
Playing an instrument alone is a skill. It requires a lot of patience to learn an instrument. The skill of playing an instrument leaves girls amazed. Girls loved to be amazed. They want something to show off other people. They want to let other people know that their guy is the best on their chosen instrument.
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2. They are confident.
Musicians are confident. Despite nervousness in a gig, musicians show people that they are confident with their music. They show that they own the stage. They let people know that their music is the best. Girls want their guys to be confident.
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3. Musicians are creative.
Musicians who write their own songs plus an acoustic guitar melts the heart of a girl. Nothing could beat a guy writing the lyrics of his own song. This is an additional plus for girls. Girls are romantic, and they want someone to write something sweet about them, it may be in a form of a poem or a song.

4. They have a strong appeal.
Girls find musicians hot especially if they have the lead vocals, drums and the guitars. I'm not saying that they are the only ones that attracts girls, but these are the most common. Girls go for guys who have stage presence, someone who can carry himself and stand out from the rest. This gives the girl an additional bragging rights too.
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5. Girls love music.
Girls love listening to music.  Music is played by musicians. Thus, making girls like musicians. As simple as that. They tend to go crazy over the guys who sing their favorite songs, or who makes good music. They want someone who appreciates music as much as they do.
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There may be a lot of reasons depending on the girl you ask. But what I shared here is mine, I don't have any idea of what others have to say, but I'm willing to hear them out. :)

Well, I guess that whoever a girl likes must be worthy of her heart. He may be a musician or not, what matters most is their own music they make when they are together.

'Til the next post,


Monday, August 27, 2012

Why Memes are so Popular

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Memes are spreading throughout cyberspace.

People have been drawn to these for a long time, and I am not an exception. I am one of those who are captivated by the power of these memes, and I know that I am not alone.

You can see them everywhere like on Facebook walls, and some Internet sites aside from 9gag. It's really obvious that everyone is drawn to these sensation.

There are memes ranging from drawings created in paint, simple cats, normal people and to famous artists and athletes. Name 'em all!

I have been a witness to the popularity of these memes, but why are these memes so famous?

1. They're funny.
Feeling low? Look at these funny memes and you'll be worry free for a while! Memes give you a break on your serious world, they make you laugh, they help you forget your troubles. Well, I agree 'cause laughter is still the best medicine. :)

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2. Memes relate to real situations in life.
Memes are popular because people can relate to them. Whatever situation it may be, memes can show them that they are not alone. It shows that there also other people experiencing the same thing. It would be good to now that you are not alone. :)

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3. It takes less of your time to enjoy.
A picture with funny captions is a simple form of entertainment. It's plain and simple but funny. You don't have to take much of your time for you to enjoy these memes. You don't have to prepare a lot of stuff for you to enjoy, just search for memes and you're all good!

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4. It can serve as an advertising tool.
You may not know it but memes can be used to promote businesses. Memes are spreading fast, like wild fires on the internet. The popularity of memes are also used by businesses in order for them to gain customers 'cause its inexpensive and a fad. Who knows? Your business will earn a lot because it is in a meme.
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5.  Social Networks.
I already mentioned that memes spread very easily on the internet. Social Networks like Facebook, and Twitter can help memes circulate through cyberspace thus making everyone know about it. With simple shares, likes, and re-tweets, memes can reach a lot of people, making them aware of their existence.
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6. The message they deliver.
You don't need to tell everyone about what you feel with plain words, when you feel shocked, you can just use a meme and put a caption on it. It's simple. People don't need to go through a lot in order to really get what you wanna say. Most people on the internet are bored, you don't wanna bore them more with just plain text. Memes can be a perfect way to say your point.

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7. They are easy to create.
Memes are very simple yet easy to create. With the technology we have nowadays, access to creating memes are very easy. Apps on phones can be downloaded too, like the Meme Generator. There are also websites where you can make one of your own.

Well, I do hope that these reasons I have shared can also answer your questions. By the way, Meme is pronounced as "meem". :)

'Til the next post,


Friday, August 24, 2012

Why K-POP is still on the rise

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We are all aware of the K-Pop invasion. Countries all over Asia are avid fans of K-Pop and it still seems to be on the rise.

 Because of its popularity,  K Pop has reached the UK and the United States already.

K-POP- As defined in Urban dictionary, K Pop is an enjoyable music genre from Korea. It is an abbreviation of Korean Popular Music.

Until now I am still wondering why does everybody listen to it? Why is it very popular?

These are the possible reasons on why I think K-POP is popular nowadays:

1. Lyrics are very catchy.
 K-POP is in Korean of course, but why does everybody like it? The lyrics are not in the universal language which is English, but the lyrics in K-Pop songs are repetitive. Even though one doesn't understand the lyrics of the song, once it gets stuck on your head, be prepared for a Last Song Syndrome. :)

2. The Choreography.
Everybody wants to learn how to dance, and these Korean artists dance it very well. They have good choreography in their music videos which make people watch them more, Their dance steps has a very big impact on their popularity because of this, most of K-Pop fans make a dance cover of their favorite K-Pop song which is seen all over YouTube.
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3. The Music Video.
K-Pop has very creative music videos. They are simply out of this world. The videos are unique. The video makes it as interesting as the song. People are easily drawn in watching the music video because of its fun concept and colorful themes.
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4. The Looks.
Admit it, K-Pop artists look good. They have a unique sense of fashion which everybody tries to imitate. They have different hairstyles and looks, but this is also a great factor for them to be famous. Yeah, they look weird but, they look good! They still look good even if thy use the most outrageous costumes!
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5. The Themes in their music.
Well, love and heartbreak. Anything about relationships. These are also the themes of Korean music, making almost everybody relate to it even though lyrics are not really understood. With the help of a creative music video, it's just alright. Love and Heartbreak is already a popular theme among songs but this also helped K-Pop make its debut. It's a love song in a catchy way. There is not much drama.

I hope these reasons are enough for all of those curious people like me.

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Monday, August 20, 2012

Why Boys like Comic Books

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Boys are drawn to comic books as much as how girls are drawn into fiction.

When you enter a bookstore, notice all the guys, where do they mostly go? They go directly to the comic book section of the store and they immediately get their hands on Batman, Superman, and even the Avengers, which is the complete opposite of girls who immediately proceed to the fiction section of the store where Twilight, The Hunger Games and The Fallen series could be found.

I agree that it is a normal sight when boys flock to the comics section of the store, but have you ever wondered what is in those books that makes them be die-hard fans?

This is what I think:

1. It's loaded with action.
 Boys like action than romance. They want more of it than lovey-dovey stuff. Action can be easily seen through illustrations, and this is what boys like.

2. It has interesting stories.
  Action+Interesting stories=Boom! This is what boys like. Boys easily get bored with reading stuff, but when it comes to these books, they show much enthusiasm.

3. The Superheroes and their powers.
 Every boy looks up to a superhero. Superheroes played a role in their childhood, every boy wished to be a superhero to be able to save people with there awesome powers.

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4. It can be collected.
Girls have collections of their vampire series, why can't guys have collections of their own?

5. It's cool.
Who ever said the comic books are for nerds? This is too much stereotyping. Collecting them is so much fun. Boys find it cool to collect these books and they are able to share more stories with each other. Plus, this could be a factor to start a conversation with a girl. :)
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6. It's always better than the movie.
Nowadays, comic books are turned into movies. And what I mostly hear from comic book lovers is that the book is always better than the movie. When a comic book is turned into a movie, you have to wait for a long time before the next one comes out, unlike in comic books, you can easily get access through new issues and back issues to get more details.
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In reality, there are also girls who like comic books,it's just that there are more boys who are drawn to it. I admit, I am a comic book lover. I have been exposed to the Archie comics and it really was a great learning experience.

You should try reading comic books too. :)

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Why Children need Fairy tales

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Fairy tales are a part of our childhood, we all have been exposed to stories like Cinderella, Rapunzel, Snow White and even Sleeping Beauty, and it is very obvious that we were able to enjoy these tales when we were young.

Have you ever wondered why children are very much awed with fairy tales? As much as they are awed, they believe in them. They believe that fairy tale characters and their stories very much exist.

When I was young, I admit that I was really in to fairy tales. Well, I know everyone did.

So, why do children need Fairy tales? I guess this could be valid reasons:

1. Fairy Tales give children a close-up on life. Fairy tales teaches children what happens in reality but it is presented in a way that a child can relate to. Children learn to realize what happens in real life in a playful manner.

2. It teaches moral lessons.
    We are all aware of the good conquering the bad in fairy tales, and this is what makes it best for children. It teaches children the difference of right and wrong, and how patience, love and  happiness reign over everything.

3. It makes a child feel good.
   Fairy tales have a twist, which shows a bad side of the story. Children don't like the bad stuff, but when something good and magical happens, they become happy. They know that there is something more, something better.

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4. They learn to discover.
    They discover different characters and magical places such as the Yellow Brick Road, Wonderland, and Neverland. These are endless discoveries that could make a child realize that there are really a lot of things the world can offer.

5. They tickle their imaginative minds.
  Fairy tales don't really work without imagination at play. Kids have a wild imagination. Fairy tales exists in children as long as they imagine, for they always believe in the fruit of their imagination.

I'm not saying that Fairy Tales are meant to be for children. It could also be for grown ups trying to escape their problems, we just have to imagine just like we did before. For when we put our imagination at play, we experience freedom that we could always enjoy.

'Til the next post,


Why You Need to Travel

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Some people just prefer to stay at home during the summer, the holidays, or even during long weekends.

 Yes, I agree that staying home makes you relax and gives you less hassle, but sometimes, I think its best if you try to get out of the four walls of your house.

I understand that there are people who are certified home buffs, but wouldn't it be nice to try and explore what the world has to offer?

Traveling can be cheap, and expensive depending on where you would like to go. But, always remember it's the memories and experiences count. 

I love to travel, whether it's just going back home to the province, or going back to the city, it's fine with me.     Traveling may serve as a past time but there is more to it.
Here's why:

                                                                 1. It's awesome.
 Nothing beats seeing new beautiful places. 'Nuff said.

2. Experiences are gained.
Traveling introduces you to new and unusual things. It makes you do things than the usual. These experiences are worth it once you get back home from your travel.

3. It makes you feel free.
When you travel, you'll feel like you have no worries at all. You will be free of stress, it will just be pure enjoyment. You will have the freedom to choose where you'll go, or how long will you stay. It all depends on you.

 4. The Memories.
Traveling makes you have a lot of memories. With simple photographs from your travel, the memories will always linger.

5. You will have lots of stories to share.
With the experiences you had on your travel, you will have a lot of stories to tell your colleagues, or your friends. This will make you an interesting person.

6. You meet new people.
Traveling will also mean that there is a possibility to meet other people. You are able to share different stories and interests, and you may realize that there are a lot of things you are not yet aware of.


7. Food.
The same food is not served in any place you go to, that is why there are specialties. Trying them will be worth it and fun!

8. Life is short.
Traveling can be tiring at the end of the trip, but what's important is that you are able to experience everything you want while you still have the chance. You only live once.

Hopefully this will help you realize why sometimes you have to gain a lot of new experiences. :)

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Why People love LEGO

Do you guys remember the famous construction toy LEGO? We all loved them since we were a child. You may be a girl or a boy, you still go crazy about these plastic bricks.

It's amazing how people don't outgrow their love for Lego, and what is interesting about it nowadays, is that they are now collected. It comes with different sets, with different kinds of themes such as Star Wars, Harry Potter, Robots, Vikings and Pirates.

Yes, these are just toys with different colors such as Red, Blue, White and Yellow but I have witnessed how people are interested with Lego.

I have been thinking of why people don't outgrow their love for Lego and these are the reasons I have thought of:

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1. It makes you creative.
    With different pieces, Lego can tickle your imaginative minds and make you create anything you want. It may be simple houses, buildings, or jets, Lego gives you the chance to show your creativity.

2. It helps you relax.
   At the end of the day, these toys can make you forget of the tiring day you had in school, or at work. With the pieces you link together, it relieves stress because you focus your mind on creating something nice than totally lingering on the stress you had that day.

3. It makes adults feel like a child again.
    Basically, Lego is a toy, but adults enjoy playing with these toys and it makes them happy. The happiness they get from the things that they create makes them forget the idea that old people should no play with toys anymore.

4. It gives you a sense of freedom.
 When you design your own building or house, it gives you the right to do anything with it. You have the right to design it in your own way.With it, you feel free to do everything you want.

5. It's fun to play with.
   People find it fun to play with Lego because you can create anything you want. Your imagination lies in your hands. It gives people a physical version of their concrete ideas.

6. You can have a new toy everyday.
   The colorful bricks can be disassembled at the end of the day, thus making you create a new toy the next time you play with it again. As long as you have a creative mind, you can have new toys everyday.

7. You become proud of what you build.
   You have your own idea and when it already has come to life, it makes you feel proud of what you created. Simple achievements can also count. :)

Because of the reasons I stated on why people love Lego, I still believe that there is a child within each one of us. :)

'Til the next post,


Sunday, August 19, 2012

Why You have to Love Ed Sheeran

 Brits are taking the world by storm in the music industry! We already heard Adele's powerful voice, and the hit-making boy-band One Direction's music, so what else is in store for us when we are talking about British musicians?

Let me tell you something, I have been listening to Ed Sheeran for the past months and I want to tell you why you have to love him too. :)

Well, here it goes:

1. He's an adorable ginger!
         Red-haired, and freckled face but he's adorable. He's the ginger you want to keep babbling about along with his pal, Rupert Grint!

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2. He makes great music and he plays the guitar.
      He writes his own songs and they are certified hits! He also has great guitar playing skills that make women swoon. Try listening to some of his hit songs here:
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3. He has a great personality.
      Even though he is already famous in the UK and in the United States, Ed Sheeran still has a heart of Gold. Why? He once gave a free concert for his fans! How sweet is that? He also made Jamie Foxx and Elton John turn their heads!

4. He's a cool guy.
       Fame doesn't get so much into Ed's head. He still remains grounded and friendly towards others. His album was immediately ranked at No. 5 in the US Charts and guess how Ed celebrated this achievement? Ed tweeted that he is celebrating the record by eating nachos! According to singer Taylor Swift, he is one of her favorite people in the world.

5. His music says so much.
       Ed's lyrics to his music are wonderful. You can really feel it for it is full of emotions. His music is about relationships, life, everything in between and how he handles them.
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6. He's working with Taylor Swift and One Direction.
     Ed has been writing songs for One Direction and revealed that he has been busy collaborating with famous country singer, Taylor Swift. They will be having a duet on a song that was written on a trampoline. I guess we all have to wait for these amazing songs to come out!

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7. His British Accent
    Everybody is crazy about British accents, and even I personally want to adapt them. Ed's accent makes the song more meaningful which makes girls crazy over him.

8. His Doodle Tattoo
     Have you seen Ed's tat? Well, it's quite different from other musicians for his tat is doodle inspired and is related to his songs. Listen to his songs to figure out how they are symbolized on his tat. :)

I do hope I gave you enough reasons for you to love and listen to him!

'Til the next post,



Why You should Listen to the Piano Guys

We all heard amazing covers from different artists on Youtube such as Boyce Avenue and Megan Nicole, but I am going to show you something different today.

Have you ever heard of the Piano Guys?

The Piano Guys is a group composed of 5 musicians who makes covers of different songs, starting from the classic Beethoven's 5th Symphony mashed up with One Republic's Secrets to today's music like What Makes You Beautiful of One Direction.

Now, I know you might as well think of them as an ordinary musical group. Well, you're wrong.

Let me tell you why this group is different.

1. They use the different parts of the piano to create an amazing cover.
            Imagine 5 guys making music with the use of only one piano and a cello! How cool is that?

2. They come from different work areas.
        Well, the members of this group are all musicians. John Schmidt plays the piano, Steven Nelson plays the cello, Paul Anderson is an owner of a musical shop called The Piano Guys, Tel Stewart is a piano mover and a videographer, Al Van der Beek is a musical engineer.

3. They are not the boy band type.
      Yes, they are all guys but they make music in a unique way. Watch the videos here to see it for yourself. :)

4. Their music is soothing to the ears.
      They make music using a piano and even though the cover today's music like David Guetta's Without You, it still sounds soothing to the ears.

5. They are not only assigned to one part throughout the whole song.
      The way they play music using the parts of the piano changes throughout the whole song, they switch places and improvise with other parts too. You can see something new throughout the whole song.

Well, I hope that these reasons are enough to make you listen to them. I hope that you are able to enjoy their music as much I do! :)

'Til the next post,


Why You Should Watch Out for Perks of Being A Wallflower

There are a lot of books turned into movies and this seems to be the trend nowadays. Some of the books that were turned into movies are from J.R.R Tolkien, J.K Rowling, Rick Riordan and Nicholas Sparks. Indeed, these movies were very successful.

Another one to be added to the list of books turned into movies is The Perks of Being A Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. Some may think that it is just an ordinary story, but this is different. Trust me.

Well, these are the reasons why I think you should watch out for this movie on September.:)

1. It's Percy Jackson and Hermione Granger together!

     What's better than these two getting paired up? Logan Lerman is Charlie in the story, and Emma Watson is Sam, Charlie's main love interest. Will Percy Jackson fans and Harry Potter fans unite for this flick? We'll see!
2. The book itself is very good.

      Even though it was published on 1999, the story can still be related to a teenager's situation today. It tells Charlie's story, how he is influenced by everything around him. It also shows how Charlie becomes a loner because of a friend's suicide thus making him confess his feelings and thoughts through writing to an anonymous stranger until he finds companionship with seniors, Sam and Patrick.
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3. Nina Dobrev is Logan Lerman's sister in the movie.

       We were all aware of Nina being in The Vampire Diaries series, and this is our chance to see her in a different way. Will she be able to amaze us again like what she did to us in The Vampire Diaries? Let's find out. :)
4. Charlie's quotes.

    Nothing beats the quotes from books especially when it comes to life. Who would dare to resist Logan's look of sincerity? :">

5. It shows the importance of Friendship.

       Charlie is a wallflower and has been a loner ever since his friend committed suicide. This was his life during the start of his first year in High school until he meets Sam and Patrick. The movie shows how one should appreciate the friends they have even though they are at the lowest points of their lives.

6. You'll hear good music from Charlie's mixed tape.

       In the story, Charlie makes a mixed tape for Patrick for Christmas. It features various artists such as The Smiths, Nirvana, Pink Floyd, The Beatles and many more! Music lovers will surely enjoy this.

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7. The Rocky Horror Picture Show Scene

      We all know that the Rocky Horror Picture Show is a very famous musical. In the movie, we will be able to see the cast's version of the musical show along with their costumes!

8. It shows how a person can change.

     Charlie was always known to be a wallflower, but with the help of Sam and Patrick, he was able to open up his shell and show what he thinks and feels unlike before.

I just hope I gave you enough reasons on why you should watch out for this amazing movie. :)
The Perks of Being A Wallflower movie will be released this year September 2012.

Check out the trailer here:


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Why Expectations Collide with Reality

Expectations-beliefs that are most likely to happen in the future, and too much of this may cause disappointment.
Reality- situations or things that actually exists.

We all have tried to expect something to happen in our life. Admit it, we all tried to convince ourselves of the positive and negative outcomes the power of expectation brings. We are very much free to expect but we must always take note that just expecting something to happen is not always the answer.

 Like I said, Reality exists and basically, expectations do not exist. Yet.

So, why do Expectations collide with Reality? This is what I think.

1. Expectations are just beliefs. 

             Expectations are beliefs in a way that you have the power to change what you believe in. It may be too high or too low. You can make your expectations turn out alright, and you can also make it the other way around. It all depends on you.  

2. We always think Expectations are always better.

            It doesn't always work this way even though we want it to happen so bad. Remember Tom Hansen from (500) Days of Summer. 

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3. Expectations can make us wait.
           We wait for everything to be alright in accordance to our expectations. We fear that it will not turn out as much as we want to in reality because of the standards we have set, we just rely on expectations and wait for things to turn out the way we want it to be.

4. Expectations cover up the truth.
            Expectations can make people blind on the real deal. Too much expectations can make us forget that  the truth exists in reality. Again, remember Tom Hansen. 

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5. Expectations cannot make us happy.

        With unfulfilled and unrealistic expectations, relationships with family and friends can be harmed with too much expectations, thus causes disappointments.  We just have to accept that in reality, no one is perfect enough to meet the high standards you set.

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