Saturday, September 1, 2012

Why People still play Tetris.

Tetris was released way back, to be specific it was on June 6, 1984. It was very popular during those times and it had a lot of versions available of then gaming consoles like the Brick Game.

Nintendo Version of Tetris
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Everyone is aware of this game, I guess everyone had fun playing with the geometric blocks called tetriminoes. I remember those times I never let go of my Brick Game. I enjoyed Tetris even though it was just in black and white.

Old Version of Tetris
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Tetris today :)
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 Tetris was out of the picture for a long time. Perhaps it didn't become famous the past years because of the new innovations in the gaming industry.

Who expected that this game made a comeback this year? I didn't. There are already a lot of new games that people enjoy, with hd graphics and everything, who would even remember the classic game, Tetris?

Well, I was amazed with the comeback of the classic game I loved way back.
Tetris made a great comeback! But why was it famous again? Why do people like playing it?

1.  It makes people have the thrill to organize.
Tetris is about putting tetriminoes in the proper place in order to clear a line or make a perfect clear. People who love organizing is great at this game. It makes people organize their minds and their blocks because they have the control to drop them wherever they want.

2. It's addictive.
The thought of you having control makes you want to play the game some more. You have the freedom to change the blocks at the very last moment until they land. It makes you feel you have the power over them, thus making you play some more especially if your blocks are misplaced which causes you to lose.

3. It's someone's first game ever.
Like I said, Tetris is already old. Tetris created a lot of memories, it was someone's first game. It's the first game that they ever loved. It was like their first love. You just can't forget your first love right?

4. It's simple.
Gamers and none gamers can easily play this game. It doesn't require as much understanding like any other games. It doesn't have difficult controls. Anyone can play this game!

5. It's an effective treatment for a disorder.
Studies have shown that the game serves an effective treatment to those people who suffer post-traumatic stress disorder because of distracting capabilities. Tetris players have a flew flashbacks because it disrupts the laying of memories than those who don't.

6. It makes people feel smarter.
According to research, Tetris players use more glucose suggesting that the brain is working hard. In other words, the brain has to work less hard the more it practices. It becomes used to solving problems really quickly.
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However, when you play Tetris, you must take note that you should always regulate your play because sometimes too much of something is not good. :)

'Til the next post,


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